See people how He sees people

Out of nowhere I felt a sudden urge to burst into tears this morning.

As I sat beside my mom, waiting for them to call her in for bloodwork, I saw the people around me. I actually saw them – noticed them and stopped to consider them. Life is so distracting and loud sometimes that I don’t often pay attention to things other than my own.

I encouraged an older gentleman to think of his wait as an opportunity to rest for a few moments. His impatience to be called in and move on with the rest of his day – caused me to reflect and also take advantage of the waiting. In my head I prayed that he would be able to sleep more restful, that he would be given a break from the pains in his body. I fought the feeling to reach out and grab his hand to pray boldly – but I know God heard me anyway.

Earlier I noticed a young guy – looking drawn and tired…afraid and anxious. Instead of judging him and assuming he was an addict or some punk: I prayed for him. I silently asked that he would be freed from the pressure he wore on his face and that he would find peace. I saw him as how I can imagine God sees him and feels about him…heartbroken that he’s hurting. I felt it too.

I took up an amazing conversation with a pint sized Sponge Bob Square Pants fan. He was barely tall enough to reach the chair bottom and the mumblings were so sweet but in a foreign toddler retorect 🙂 He was quite entertaining and very excited to share with me how quickly he could make his way through YouTube videos. His mom walked over with a newborn – as of Monday – and still had the new mommy glow. As dad gathered up their family and belongings, my mini friend trotted away with a big smile and wave. I asked God to bless their adorable family and keep that innocence strong.

Mom popped out with a small bandage in her elbow and as we walked out – a dad and his little ones made their way down the hall past us. His pretty little miss waved and yelled “buh-bye” to the entire reception area. Her cute brother did the same and blew all of us a kiss.

All of those small instances are proof that God is always around and working to love on people – you just need to take a moment to quiet down and recognize what he sees. I’m so glad I had the chance today.

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